The books

About us

La fabbrica delle illusioni s.r.l. (The factory of delusions) is a publishing house born in March 2017.
Books are published with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Amazon's self-publishing platform. Through KDP, books are always available, everywhere and delivered at your place in a few days.
The aim of starting with a light and cost efficient structure, without a warehouse and a distribution chain burdensome management determined this choice.

Books published so far: L’Economia immaginaria (Mario Fabbri, 2017) and Il carattere meridionale (Mario Fabbri, 2021), both available in English as The imaginary economy and The southern character.
Further books, available in Italian only: Favolette politicamente scorrette (Mario Fabbri, 2018); Il risveglio di Fenrir (Paolo Vallerga, 2018) and Le donne senza i capelli hanno lo smalto nei piedi (Alessandra Minghetti, 2019).